IMPHAL: " Noong Amadi Yeroom" (Rock and Egg), a short fiction film directed by eminent Manipuri filmmaker Romi Meitei, has been selected for the fourth "New Generations - Independent Indian Film Festival" in Frankfurt, Germany.
Earlier, the 14-minute film was screened at MIFF 2012, Mumbai (international competition), IFFI, Indian Panorama 2011, IFFSK Kerala, ICFFI and Boston. With making 35 Manipuri feature films and 3 short fiction films Romi has contributed a significant role in the gradual evolution of digital-format cinema in Manipuri Film industry.
Strife-torn Manipur has witnessed large-scale production of low-budget video films since the underground groups put a ban on Hindi movies and songs about 15 years ago. This has consistently transformed into a blessing in disguise as hordes of Manipuri feature and documentary films have come into the limelight with filmmakers winning both national and international awards.
The rising trends have also consistently given a platform to young actors, filmmakers, technicians and film-related personalities.
Romi's film with English sub title will be screened on November 9, the inaugural day of the three-day long festival. " I'm so happy with my fiction being selected for the prestigious festival," said Romi (36), an Imphal resident.
"Noong Amadi Yeroom" portrays an unprecedented action of Chaoren, a young boy who lives in perpetual fear of his father who always scolds him for everything. When his father scolds him, Chaoren's memory is lost. On this fateful day, he breaks his father's Nganthak (clay smoking pipe) and tries his best to replace it before his father comes back home.
The kid forgets his good virtues in order to avoid his father rage. He steals money from his strict father even though he is aware of the consequences. Chaoren feels like a small egg facing a big hard rock.
Romi's new feature film christined "MY HOME" is going to be shot in January 2013. The project is funded by "Green Screenlab and PAL foundation," United Kingdom. His debut short fiction "Cease Baby's Whimpering Cry" was officially nominated at MIFF, Sign 09, ICFSI and Asiaticafilmideale, Rome.
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